What diabetic patients should eat and what they should not eat

What diabetic patients should eat and what they should not eat
What diabetic patients should eat and what they should not eat

What diabetic patients should eat and what they should not eat

Diabetes is a disease that weakens the human body. This disease causes many other diseases in people if it is not there.

After all this the question may come that here

What to eat and what not to eat

On the one hand, almost all fruits can be eaten, but some fruits such as mango, banana, kathal etc. should be eaten less.

The rest of the fruits that are available at home like apples, guavas, malta, oranges, ripe papayas, currants, watermelons, etc.

Potatoes should be eaten less than vegetables.

You don’t have to eat potato-free food at all, like there is no problem with a little potato in the curry, you can’t eat anything made with whole potato like potato dum, alo pea, alo pustak, these should be eaten less.

Diabetic patients can eat whole rice bread but it should be eaten in a certain amount.

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