Bullying and ragging

Bullying and ragging
Bullying and ragging

Bullying and ragging is a social crime. Bullying and ragging are prohibited.

Verbal bullying and ragging is saying or writing something insulting/insulting someone on purpose, which is not bad. refers to something. For example – mocking

, ■ calling bad names, swearing, whistling, ■ threatening, making fun of physical disabilities etc. Physical bullying and ragging is hitting, slapping, throwing water or paint on the body, kicking, punching, punching, spitting, taking or breaking someone’s belongings, face or hands. , caste, tribe, profession, colour, region or caste. Cyberbullying and ragging is the act of defaming someone by writing nasty things about them on social media or posting pictures or rude sarcasm. Sexual bullying and ragging is intentionally touching or attempting to do offensive body parts, showing suggestive signs, scratching, stripping or forcing clothes to be undressed. Besides, actions, behaviour, activities which are disrespectful, humiliating and defamatory and may cause physical/mental suffering, by whatever name, will be considered as bullying and ragging. According to a recent UNESCO report, more than 30 percent of students around the world are victims of bullying and ragging, which adversely affects their academic achievement, dropouts and mental health. To prevent bullying and ragging, the authorities will form Anti Bullying Committee (ABC) with 3-5 members in every educational institution. Authority if necessary. One or more committees can be formed. is an inter that the inte fails to ha genocide, crimes agai as a result Payment Initiative and


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