How and where will the death of Hazrat Jibreel (a.)?

How and where will the death of Hazrat Jibreel (a.)?
How and where will the death of Hazrat Jibreel (a.)?

Narrated by Hazrat Anas (R.A.), Prophet Karim (S.A.W.) verse of the Holy Qur’an –

He recited it, then the Companions asked for mercy, O Messenger of Allah (S). Who is the lucky person that Allah Ta’ala will separate from Asr in the mentioned verse? The Prophet (pbuh) said, Jibraeel, Mikael, Malakul Maut Israfil and the angels carrying the throne. When Allah Pak takes the life of the entire creation, Malakul will say to Maut who is alive now? Malakul Maut will offer O my Allah You are the Most Holy, the Repository of all power, now only Jibreel, Mikail Israfil and Malakul Maut are alive. Then Allah will say (now) take out the life of Israfil. Immediately Malakul Maut will bring out the life of Israfil. Then Allah will say (now) who is alive? Malakul Maut will offer Aye Parwar Digar Your being is very pure. You are Zul Jalali Al Ikram. Now Jibreel, Mikail and Malakul Maut are alive. Then Allah will say, now take the life of Mikail too. He will then charm Michael’s soul and he will fall like a huge hill. God will ask again who is alive now? He will tell Allah, Gabriel and the Angel of Death. Then Allah will say, O angel of death (Azra’il), you also die. He will die instantly. Now Allah will say, O Gabriel nowRK left? Jibraeel will then say that now only your eternal being remains and Jibraeel is perishable and dying. Then Allah will say that he also needs death. Then Jibraeel (a.s.) would prostrate himself as he became lifeless along with his wings. Huzoor (S.) Ershad Farman Jibreel’s status is on Michael like a big hill is like a small hill. (Al-Farayabi) Narrated by Hazrat Anas (R.A.) in the explanation of that verse ونفع‎ ‎‫في الصور, he narrated from the Prophet (SAW) that the Prophet‬‎ (S.A.W.) Ershad Farman whom Allah Ta’ala has made great are three people. Hazrat Gabriel (A.S.), Hazrat Michael (A.S.) and the Angel of Death. Then Allah will say, although His being is aware of everything, yet He will say, O angel of death, who is still alive? The angel of death will say that your eternal glory remains, and your servants are Gabriel, Michael, and the angel of death. Allah will say (now) take out the life of Mikail. Then Allah Almighty will say, even though Allah Almighty knows best about everything, he will say, O angels of death, who is alive now? Malakul Maut will say Now Your Holy Being and Your servant Jibraeel and Malakul Maut are alive. Then Allah Ta’ala will say take out the life of Gabriel. Then Allah Ta’ala will say (though He knows all things) O Angel of Death, who is alive now? Then he will say that eternal is your being and your servant Malakul Maut is alive. Then Allah will say you also die then Allah will call and say I started the creation and I will bring it back (second time). Hazrat


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